Tuesday, February 27, 2007

First week of school

Morning all, this week is the first week of classes and all finally seems to be working out. A couple of the subjects that I wanted to do aren’t going to run because well I was the only student and they need at leats ten. I tried to enrol in a couple of postgraduate subjects and it credit my degree but the rules couldn’t be bent. So after some time of stuffing around as what always happens in Fiji I think I have finally settled on subjects. Today it looks like I am enrolled in migration and development, politics of human rights and research project in sociology. The research subject is a completely independent research project on a topic of my choice, so if anyone has ideas feel free to bounce them of me. This is the only subject that worries me a bit. The final paper for that needs to 10,000 to 15,000 words which at the start of semester seems a lot and added on top of that I have to present my findings in a presentation to the faculty and staff of the development program. Nervous times.

Apart from that latest update about subjects everything else is fine and I am settling in fine and looking forward to seeing what this semester holds and where it leads me. I have committed myself to gaining and learning as much as I can about development and myself during the next six months. This time back has been a different experience since being back, even though I knew what to expect it has still taken a few weeks to get back in the swing of things and used to the culture again.

I look forward to putting my updates over the next few months. I would love to hear what else is going on if you have time. Regards Justin.

P.S. I haven’t been kite surfing much yet but yesterday I meet a couple of other guys who also kite surf so the future is looking good in that sense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Justin! I got your blog off of Sam. I'm glad things seem to be going well there and your subjects all worked out. It sucks we didn't get to see you more before you had to leave again - the time went so fast! I don't know if this is the right place to write you a message - I'm not sure how these blogs work, but I'm going to do it anyway. Are you working at all over there? Are any of the people from last time still there? You should post more pictures or make some kind of picture website - the last ones of Fiji were so beautiful. I wish money werent such an issue for everything - I really want to get there sometime. Things here are alright - our weddings getting close and there's so much to do! We've both just been working and Sam's back at school. Anyway just wanted to say hi and hope things are great!