Sunday, February 18, 2007

Back in Fiji

Hi everyone, back in Fiji. I have found a place to live of campus, which is really nice. It is the second level of a house with a great balcony that catches the breeze (see photo). The address is No. 2 Reki st Raiwai, Suva, Fiji Islands just in case you would like to send any chocolate or the like. I am in the process of enrolling and hope to be doing postgraduate subjects in development. The weather is extremely hot and well lets just say it is very sweaty all the time. I am thinking I have made the right choice in coming back as I feel comfortable in being back. I haven’t been kite surfing yet as the wind just hasn’t been quite right but I am sure the time will come when I will be out there. There are several familiar faces, which have the transition quite easy, and I think we will do a trip latter in the week to one of the outer islands before classes start the following week. Even though I knew what to expect this time I am still feeling a little like that this isn’t Australia and missing it a small amount. I will post a weekly update and look froward to hearing what people are up to. Take care Justin.

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