Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It has been while; I have tried to finish all my work early. It actually has gone well as I only have on major research paper left. However it is the biggest one around 10,000 words, which I will no trouble getting, if anything I will be over. It has been an interesting semester with of course ups and downs. With just over a month left I have started to reflect on what has happened during the semester. I have put up some pictures of the USP graduation a couple of weeks ago; it was a lot of fun. People wear the traditional flowers around their neck, which also tells where they are from. Each village and country has a different one. I am really hoping to do some travel soon as I would love to get to see more villages while I am here. It is so easy to get comfortable in Suva with the everyday stuff and not travel. Just got to make a real effort to get out. Anyway I am going to get back to work, just thought I would have a little break. Once this research is done I will feel better to spend more time on other stuff. Vinaka Justin.

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