Sunday, April 1, 2007

week 7

After being sick last week I am trying to catch up with what work I missed last week but alas it is not going to well as I now have an ear infection, which is most likely from going surfing over the Easter break. Though not to worry next week is the semester break and as I am not allowed to go into the water for a couple of weeks I wont be going away now which in turn means I can knuckle down and do some serious work and maybe even finish a few major papers that I have due.

So I have put up some photos from the surf trip this last weekend, a much needed time away get some surfing and forgetting all the things on my mind for a few days. I went to the only beach break I Fiji, Sigatoka. There are huge sand dunes and the whole beach is full of driftwood. It is kind of serial and very much doesn’t feel like I am in Fiji.

I would also like to wish John and Joel a very happy birthday and I wish I could have been there. There was a very special cake for you both at Reki Street (see picture).

Being Easter and that chocolate is fairly expensive we decided to paint eggs. This was a lot of fun however due to the humidity the never actually dried in fact nothing ever dries here. I hope that everyone had an awesome Easter and also took time to reflect what it is all about. It would be really nice to hear what other people got up over the weekend and in general.

So that is about it for today, I have my favourite class on this afternoon, Human Rights. I hope I can pay attention, as my ear is quite painful. I don’t think that I have ever had an ear ache this sore. Anyway I am sure it will be alright, I am on antibiotics again which something I am not to sure about but what can I do if it gets me better well it’s all good. It is my immune system that is still a bigger worry.

Take care, which is what I should be doing


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your ongoing health issues! Lingering problems can be so frustrating, especially when they begin eating away at your abilities to re-create yourself through healthy activities! But if Ive learnt one thing, its to listen to your body when its telling you to get better. Short term sacrifice for a long term benefit...Be encouraged.